Help us object to a housing proposal at Hurgill Stables, Richmond.
CPRENEY are supporting a local community campaign group called “Richmond Development Threat ” to prevent an inappropriate site being developed for new housing on the outskirts of the historic market town of Richmond.
Can you help CPRENEY to assist the community group raise funds to appoint a legal firm in objecting to the plans?
The proposed site is located wholly within the open countryside outside of the development limits of Richmond. The site was previously in equestrian usage, so is not considered to be ‘previously developed land’ in planning terms, therefore the site is for all intents and purposes a greenfield location, development of which is not in conformity with local or national policies.
Fundamentally, the proposal would constitute an inappropriate and unacceptable intrusion to the attractive rural setting of the western edge of Richmond. Mature trees and established hedges will be removed to make way for the development and their loss will add to the decimation of wildlife habitat that is home to a wide range of wildlife and plants, including owls, bats, bees, butterflies, and badgers.
From CPRENEY comments on planning application, 11 August 2022:
The greenfield site is located within the open countryside outside of the development boundary and is not easily relatable to existing services. The Council has not proposed allocation or the redrawing of development limits in the emerging local plan to include the site meaning that their preferred direction is to propose more suitable and sustainable sites elsewhere in the town and indeed across the district. CPRENEY is further concerned by the impact on highway safety of vulnerable users from an increased number of vehicular movements associated with the proposal on the local rural road network, particularly on narrow stretches of rural roads with no suitable footpaths. As such the proposed development appears to be contrary to several local and national planning policies as set out above and therefore, CPRENEY continues to respectfully ask that this proposal be refused.
Read full objection – May 2022
Read full objection – August 2022
From the Northern Echo, 22 March 2022:
Put forward by Zetland Estates Ltd, the 30-home housing estate would push up against the Coast to Coast path as it approaches Richmond from the Yorkshire Dales National Park and run alongside the medieval pastureland of Westfields – one of Richmond’s most popular and culturally significant open spaces.
Hundreds of people have already signed an online petition against the development, which they say would result in flowering meadows being replaced by tarmac and concrete, and the removal of many mature trees and established hedgerows.