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Help us to object for solar and battery storage on prime arable land.

Help us to object to the planning application for solar and battery storage on prime arable land at Eden Farm in Old Malton.

CPRENEY has been liaising with a local campaign group called ‘Save Old Malton Countryside’ for several years regarding a site adjacent to Old Malton in Ryedale.   You may have seen their campaign on BBC Countryfile recently.
The application has finally been submitted to Ryedale District Council.

The proposal is for 130 acres of prime agricultural land to be taken out of production for 40 years to house 72,000 solar panels. The developer is also proposing to site an unregulated battery storage plant (6x battery storage containers – akin to large shipping containers) immediately adjacent to Eden Camp visitor attraction (who have also objected to the scheme), 25 CCTV cameras, 4 bullet cameras, a new access road, 11 inverters (similar to shipping containers) and 2m security fencing around the perimeter of the site.

The site is currently occupied by a tenant farmer, who are the third generation of farmers to look after this land, they now face losing their livelihood, business and potentially their family home to accommodate the proposal as the Landlord has given the developer permission to submit the proposal. Furthermore, the proposal, if approved would curtail opportunities for the fourth generation to farm this land.

The current farming family have carefully looked after the land and reinvested in the ecosystem by supporting local wildlife populations and explored opportunities to re-wild parts of the site. We are further concerned therefore about the impact on local wildlife and ecosystems that have become established.
The proposal will also impact a public footpath and cycle path.

CPRENEY will be objecting to this proposal and seek your help in doing so by 13th March 2023.


You can submit a response below via the Council’s planning portal by clicking the link below and registering your details into the comments section. You will need to quote the application reference is REF 23/00046/MFULE. Your comments will be uploaded and viewable to the public, you will need to give your address, but you ask for it not to be displayed publicly. Via link below.

Help us to object to the planning application

Kevin Riley, Development Management Team, Ryedale House, Old Malton Road, Malton, YO17 7HH quoting REF 23/00046/MFULE.

Remember – Always quote the application reference number. Planning applications must be considered and decided upon via local and national planning policies – it is not essential, but if you can, please state which policies you feel the proposals are in breach of. Keep your objections brief and focused on planning matters. There is no limit to the number of people per household who could object

Say NO to solar on prime arable farmland!

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Read CPRENY Objection