Celebrating the amazing rivers of North Yorkshire!!
North Yorkshire is threaded with many beautiful rivers: the Wharfe, Nidd, Swale, Ure, Ouse and Derwent to name a few.
They are home to magnificent wildlife: otters, dippers, kingfishers, freshwater pearl mussels. They have shaped the landscape and the county’s history: determining where people lived, what they made and how they travelled and traded.
Throughout the remarkable times of 2020 and 2021 rivers provided a therapeutic escape from the pandemic for so many who have sought solace in swimming, fishing, boating, paddling and walking along some of the most tranquil spots in the country.
We want to celebrate the joy and beauty that North Yorkshire’s rivers bring to our lives and encourage people to enjoy and protect them. Over the next few days look out for:
- ideas of where and how to enjoy our rivers,
- information on why our rivers matter and
- what they do for us and suggestions of action we can all take action to ensure a cleaner healthier future for our rivers.